Monday 16 May 2011

Mobile phones: a health risk?

Are mobile phones bad for your health? A Swedish study has shown an increased risk of an uncommon form of brain tumour in people who used mobiles for longer than ten years.

Are mobile phones harmful to your health? There's been an ongoing debate over this question since the first analogue mobiles appeared in the 1980s.
It's an important question given that worldwide, about 1.5 billion people use one. This year 650 million are expected to be sold. If they are harmful, the health of very large populations could be at risk.
We do know that mobile phones emit radiofrequency radiation from the handset and that these low-energy electromagnetic waves travel into the head. But do they cause injury to living tissue, possibly triggering a brain tumour or other disease?..
Unfortunately, no-one knows for sure - hence the fierce debate. There hasn't been much research into the effects of the radiation, especially over the long term. Mobile phones haven't been around long enough. Also, the technology keeps changing. Third generation (3G) phones - which emit higher rates of radiation than earlier models - are just coming onto the market in big numbers. The technology is evolving faster than scientists can do trials to monitor safety. And many brain conditions, such as brain tumours, take years to develop.Still, there is enough evidence to make some scientists concerned. Studies have shown mobile phone radiation does produce biological changes in humans - such as changes in brain temperature and activity as well as blood pressure changes. Others have shown they cause an increased incidence of illness in laboratory animals - for example cancer in mice.
Last December, a consortium of 12 research groups in seven European countries announced it had found evidence mobile phone radiation can damage DNA in human cells in the laboratory - changes that weren't repaired by the cells and remained when they divided.
Many scientists dismiss these findings as inconsistent and unreliable. Millions of people who use mobile phones don't seem to be harmed by them, they point out. The energy emitted by a mobile phone is so low as to be almost biologically insignificant - and it is fear of new technology rather than radiation that is the real problem.
Mobile phone companies are anxious to push this line too. They point out that there hasn't to date been any evidence that mobile phones cause disease in humans. It's a view supported by an influential report from a UK panel, the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones. It concluded in 2002 that while mobile phones do cause biological effects there's no evidence that they cause illness.
But a study published in October last year challenged this notion. The Swedish study, published in the journal Epidemiology, showed a four-fold increase of a benign (non-cancerous) brain tumour in people who had been using a mobile phone for more than ten years. The increase in the tumour - called an acoustic neuroma - occurred in the side of the head where the person used the phone. But there was no increased risk of any other type of brain tumour.

Weighing up the benefits

Should you throw your mobile phone out? Not necessarily. These findings would have to be repeated by other studies to be of much significance. Even if they were, acoustic neuroma is a benign condition and can be treated.
Then there's the health benefits of using mobile phones to be taken into account. A significant percentage of mobile phone owners have used them to call an ambulance or get help in an emergency situation. It's drastically cut the time between reporting a medical emergency and help arriving, say the experts.
So these studies probably aren't a reason to discard your phone just yet. But they do support taking some basic precautions - especially if you use your mobile a lot. In a nutshell, where possible:
  • use a land line;
  • use text messaging rather than voice;
  • and for voice calls on a mobile, use a headset.
If you have children, think twice about giving them a mobile phone. There's no direct evidence the phones harm kids any more than adults, but some experts argue children's developing brains are more susceptible to damage.

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